Table Results Fixtures Hotshots


Played Scheduled Home Team   Away Team
2023-04-20 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 6 - 6 Dobblers (B)
2023-04-20 White Lion Exiles 8 - 4 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-04-20 The Prem (B) 8 - 4 The Prem (C)
2023-04-20 Ship (A) 3 - 9 Chestnut Tree
2023-04-27 White Horse (Milton) Cues 6 - 6 The Prem (B)
2023-04-27 Dobblers (B) 4 - 8 White Lion Exiles
2023-04-27 Chestnut Tree 6 - 6 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-04-27 NCI Moonshine 4 - 8 Ship (A)
2023-05-11 White Lion Exiles 5 - 7 Chestnut Tree
2023-05-11 The Prem (C) 5 - 7 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-05-11 The Prem (B) 8 - 4 Dobblers (B)
2023-05-11 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 9 - 3 NCI Moonshine
2023-05-18 Dobblers (B) 8 - 4 The Prem (C)
2023-05-18 Chestnut Tree 4 - 8 The Prem (B)
2023-05-18 NCI Moonshine 4 - 8 White Lion Exiles
2023-05-18 Ship (A) 6 - 6 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-06-01 White Horse (Milton) Cues 7 - 5 Dobblers (B)
2023-06-01 The Prem (C) 6 - 6 Chestnut Tree
2023-06-01 The Prem (B) 9 - 3 NCI Moonshine
2023-06-01 White Lion Exiles 5 - 7 Ship (A)
2023-06-08 NCI Moonshine 5 - 7 The Prem (C)
2023-06-08 Ship (A) 2 - 10 The Prem (B)
2023-06-08 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 7 - 5 White Lion Exiles
2023-06-08 Chestnut Tree 3 - 9 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-06-22 The Prem (B) 7 - 5 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-06-22 The Prem (C) 9 - 3 Ship (A)
2023-06-22 White Horse (Milton) Cues 6 - 6 NCI Moonshine
2023-06-22 Dobblers (B) 6 - 6 Chestnut Tree
2023-06-29 NCI Moonshine 6 - 6 Dobblers (B)
2023-06-29 White Lion Exiles 7 - 5 The Prem (B)
2023-06-29 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 5 - 7 The Prem (C)
2023-06-29 Ship (A) 6 - 6 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-07-13 The Prem (C) 5 - 7 White Lion Exiles
2023-07-13 White Horse (Milton) Cues 6 - 6 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-07-13 Dobblers (B) 5 - 7 Ship (A)
2023-07-13 Chestnut Tree 7 - 5 NCI Moonshine
2023-07-20 The Prem (C) 5 - 7 The Prem (B)
2023-07-20 Chestnut Tree 7 - 5 Ship (A)
2023-07-20 Dobblers (B) 1 - 11 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-07-20 White Horse (Milton) Cues 10 - 2 White Lion Exiles
2023-07-27 The Prem (B) 7 - 5 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-07-27 White Lion Exiles 7 - 5 Dobblers (B)
2023-07-27 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 7 - 5 Chestnut Tree
2023-07-27 Ship (A) 6 - 6 NCI Moonshine
2023-08-03 NCI Moonshine 5 - 7 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-08-03 Chestnut Tree 7 - 5 White Lion Exiles
2023-08-03 Dobblers (B) 7 - 5 The Prem (B)
2023-08-03 White Horse (Milton) Cues 6 - 6 The Prem (C)
2023-08-10 The Prem (C) 10 - 2 Dobblers (B)
2023-08-10 The Prem (B) 9 - 3 Chestnut Tree
2023-08-10 White Lion Exiles 7 - 5 NCI Moonshine
2023-08-10 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 8 - 4 Ship (A)
2023-08-17 Dobblers (B) 4 - 8 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-08-17 Chestnut Tree 4 - 8 The Prem (C)
2023-08-17 Ship (A) 2 - 10 White Lion Exiles
2023-08-17 NCI Moonshine 3 - 9 The Prem (B)
2023-08-24 White Horse (Milton) Cues 8 - 4 Chestnut Tree
2023-08-24 The Prem (C) 6 - 6 NCI Moonshine
2023-08-24 The Prem (B) 9 - 3 Ship (A)
2023-08-24 White Lion Exiles 5 - 7 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-08-31 Chestnut Tree 3 - 9 Dobblers (B)
2023-08-31 NCI Moonshine 5 - 7 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-08-31 Ship (A) 5 - 7 The Prem (C)
2023-08-31 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 6 - 6 The Prem (B)
2023-09-07 Dobblers (B) 9 - 3 NCI Moonshine
2023-09-07 White Horse (Milton) Cues 6 - 6 Ship (A)
2023-09-07 The Prem (C) 4 - 8 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army)
2023-09-07 The Prem (B) 8 - 4 White Lion Exiles
2023-09-14 White Lion Exiles 7 - 5 The Prem (C)
2023-09-14 Fulbourn Institute (Amber Army) 9 - 3 White Horse (Milton) Cues
2023-09-14 Ship (A) 3 - 9 Dobblers (B)
2023-09-14 NCI Moonshine 7 - 5 Chestnut Tree


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